Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry
Many people give second thoughts in terms of visiting a dental clinic. It is because the sight of dental appliances, dental chairs, and procedures put them in immense fear and anxiety. They may become phobic to the extent that they would endure the pain of toothache or bleeding gums but not visit us for treatment. Do not worry if you are one of them. We provide sedation dentistry services to alleviate your fear and anxiety.
Sedation dentistry uses medication to relax you during the treatment. We use it for everything, from invasive procedures to straightforward teeth cleaning processes. The form of sedation may vary in terms of your level of fear and the procedure.
Welcome To Peak Family Dentistry
Who Can Opt for Sedation Dentistry?
We will give you different forms of sedation if you experience anxiety or fear before your procedure. It is also suitable for people who have a low pain threshold. Sedation is also administered if you cannot sit still on the dental chair or have sensitive teeth. Other cases where sedation dentistry comes to rescue include having sensitive teeth, bad gag reflex, or undergoing a lengthy procedure with a large amount of dental work.
What are the Forms of Sedation Dentistry?
Inhaled Minimal Sedation
Under this form of sedation, we will give you nitrous oxide to breathe. Also known as laughing gas, we combine it with oxygen via a mask and place it on your nose. The effects of this gas are quick, and you feel relaxed. Throughout the procedure, we can control the amount of sedation.
Oral Sedation
Oral sedation, as the name suggests, involves taking a pill that quickly makes you feel relaxed before the procedure. We give this form of sedation an hour before the treatment. Oral sedation makes you drowsy, although you will remain awake. We may also provide a larger dose for moderate sedation. You may become a little groggy from it. In some cases, you may partially fall asleep.
IV Moderate Sedation
This form of sedation acts faster as the sedative is administered directly into your vein. The method also allows us to adjust the level of sedation continuously.
Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia
Deep sedation makes you completely unconscious. You are deep asleep throughout the procedure and do not remember anything carried out. When we give you deep sedation, we ensure that you do not leave our office until all the effects of sedation wear off. Sometimes, we may give you reverse medication to dull its effects.
To find out more about the dental services we offer at Peak Family Dentistry, Chattanooga, TN, call (423) 899-1948 or schedule an online consultation. You can also visit Dentist in Chattanooga TNat 4933 Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37411, or 9638 E Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421.